LaTeX to CAS translator

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This mockup demonstrates the concept of TeX to Computer Algebra System (CAS) conversion.

The demo-application converts LaTeX functions which directly translate to CAS counterparts.

Functions without explicit CAS support are available for translation via a DRMF package (under development).

The following LaTeX input ...

{\displaystyle x}

... is translated to the CAS output ...

Semantic latex: x

Confidence: 0


Translation: x


Sub Equations

  • x

Free variables

  • x




Translation: x


Sub Equations

  • x

Free variables

  • x




Translation: x


Sub Equations

  • x

Free variables

  • x



Dependency Graph Information

Is part of

  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \sqrt{(x - c)^2 + y^2} + \sqrt{(x + c)^2 + y^2} = 2a\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \frac{\left(x_1 + su\right)^2}{a^2} + \frac{\left(y_1 + sv\right)^2}{b^2} = 1\ \quad\Longrightarrow\quad 2s\left(\frac{x_1u}{a^2} + \frac{y_1v}{b^2}\right) + s^2\left(\frac{u^2}{a^2} + \frac{v^2}{b^2}\right) = 0\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \frac{\left(x - x_\circ\right)^2}{a^2} + \frac{\left(y - y_\circ\right)^2}{b^2} = 1 \}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle (x,\, y) = (a \cos t,\, b \sin t),\ 0 \le t < 2\pi\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \vec x = \vec p(t) = \vec f\!_0 + \vec f\!_1 \cos t + \vec f\!_2 \sin t \}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \frac{(x - a)^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \left(x - f_1\right)^2 + \left(y - f_2\right)^2 = e^2 \frac{\left(ux + vy + w\right)^2}{u^2 + v^2}\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle (x - 1)^2 + \left(y - \tfrac{1}{2}\right)^2 = \tfrac{5}{4}\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \frac{(x_4 - x_1)(x_4 - x_2) + {\color{blue}q}\;(y_4 - y_1)(y_4 - y_2)} {(y_4 - y_1)(x_4 - x_2) - (y_4 - y_2)(x_4 - x_1)} = \frac{(x_3 - x_1)(x_3 - x_2) + {\color{blue}q}\;(y_3 - y_1)(y_3 - y_2)} {(y_3 - y_1)(x_3 - x_2) - (y_3 - y_2)(x_3 - x_1)}\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \frac{({\color{red}x} - x_1)({\color{red}x} - x_2) + {\color{blue}q}\;({\color{red}y} - y_1)({\color{red}y} - y_2)} {({\color{red}y} - y_1)({\color{red}x} - x_2) - ({\color{red}y} - y_2)({\color{red}x} - x_1)} = \frac{(x_3 - x_1)(x_3 - x_2) + {\color{blue}q}\;(y_3 - y_1)(y_3 - y_2)} {(y_3 - y_1)(x_3 - x_2) - (y_3 - y_2)(x_3 - x_1)}\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \kappa = \frac{1}{a^2 b^2}\left(\frac{x^2}{a^4}+\frac{y^2}{b^4}\right)^{-\frac{3}{2}}\}
  • Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \rho = a^2 b^2 \left(\frac{x^{2}}{a^4} + \frac{y^{2}}{b^4}\right)^\frac{3}{2} = \frac{1}{a^4 b^4} \sqrt{\left(a^4 y^{2} + b^4 x^{2}\right)^3} \}


  • point
  • axis
  • ellipse
  • major axis
  • arbitrary point
  • variable name
  • center of the ellipse
  • other focus
  • distance to the focus
  • focus
  • origin
  • standard form of an ellipse
  • vertex
  • Cartesian coordinate
  • equation
  • standard equation of the ellipse
  • line
  • radical by suitable squaring
  • angle
  • center
  • circle
  • implicit representation
  • ellipse with equation
  • left vertex
  • point of the ellipse
  • yield
  • parameter
  • form
  • dot product
  • example
  • tangent
  • parametric representation
  • diagram
  • formula
  • vector
  • non-colinear point
  • directrix
  • tangent at a point
  • substitution
  • distance from a point
  • circumference
  • canonical ellipse equation
  • axis as major axis
  • conversion
  • coordinate
  • directrice
  • limit
  • perpendicular vector
  • three-point form
  • consequence
  • parameter name
  • coordinate equation
  • vector parametric equation of the tangent
  • affine transformation of the coordinate
  • angle from the positive horizontal axis
  • arc length
  • canonical equation
  • canonical form parameter
  • case
  • center of the circle
  • circle with equation
  • derivative of the standard representation
  • ellipse 's major axis
  • equation of a standard ellipse
  • equation of an ellipse
  • equation of the tangent
  • expression
  • general equation 's coefficient
  • general form coefficient by the equation
  • integral
  • interval
  • minor axis
  • pair of point
  • parametric representation of the standard ellipse
  • point on an ellipse
  • point on the upper half
  • radius of curvature
  • rational parametric equation of an ellipse
  • regular matrix
  • rotation angle
  • semi-major axis
  • semi-minor axis
  • standard parametric equation
  • tangent vector at point
  • three-point equation
  • top half of the ellipse
  • conjugate diameter
  • order
  • right focus
  • line with equation
  • quotient
  • principle
  • affine image of the unit circle
  • affine transformation of the Euclidean plane
  • area of the ellipse
  • canonical ellipse
  • column vector of the matrix
  • concentric circle
  • curvature
  • curve
  • diameter
  • eccentricity
  • ellipse equation
  • endpoint
  • endpoint of the ellipse 's major axis
  • equation for the ellipse
  • equation of any line
  • generation of point
  • incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind
  • inscribed angle theorem for circle
  • intersection point of orthogonal tangent
  • major/minor semi axis
  • parametric equation for a general ellipse
  • perimeter
  • real number
  • relation
  • rhombus with vertex
  • simple way
  • standard ellipse
  • statement
  • suitable coordinate system by an equation
  • tangent direction
  • tangent line
  • term of the angle measurement
  • trigonometric function
  • unit circle
  • upper bound on the circumference
  • upper half of an ellipse
  • vector equation
  • family of ellipsis
  • standard form
  • arbitrary vector
  • arc length of a portion
  • astronomy
  • fact
  • function of the angle
  • General ellipse If the focus
  • geometric meaning
  • inverse function
  • metric property
  • new parameter
  • pair
  • proof for the pair
  • Such ellipsis
  • affine transformation
  • angle by a degree
  • circle case
  • coordinate axis
  • definition of an ellipse
  • determinant
  • equation for the circle
  • following measurement
  • origin with width
  • pair of pole
  • pencil at the vertex
  • sense of the measurement
  • area of a circle
  • Cramer 's rule
  • de La
  • incomplete elliptic integral
  • line 's equation into the ellipse equation
  • section
  • slope
  • trigonometric formula
  • function of the usual angle measure
  • height
  • measure
  • radian
  • second integral
  • Drawing ellipsis
  • q-analog angle measure
  • radius

Complete translation information:

  "id" : "FORMULA_9dd4e461268c8034f5c8564e155c67a6",
  "formula" : "x",
  "semanticFormula" : "x",
  "confidence" : 0.0,
  "translations" : {
    "Mathematica" : {
      "translation" : "x",
      "translationInformation" : {
        "subEquations" : [ "x" ],
        "freeVariables" : [ "x" ]
      "numericResults" : {
        "overallResult" : "SKIPPED",
        "numberOfTests" : 0,
        "numberOfFailedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSuccessfulTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSkippedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfErrorTests" : 0,
        "wasAborted" : false,
        "crashed" : false,
        "testCalculationsGroups" : [ ]
      "symbolicResults" : {
        "overallResult" : "SKIPPED",
        "numberOfTests" : 0,
        "numberOfFailedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSuccessfulTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSkippedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfErrorTests" : 0,
        "crashed" : false,
        "testCalculationsGroup" : [ ]
    "SymPy" : {
      "translation" : "x",
      "translationInformation" : {
        "subEquations" : [ "x" ],
        "freeVariables" : [ "x" ]
      "numericResults" : {
        "overallResult" : "SKIPPED",
        "numberOfTests" : 0,
        "numberOfFailedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSuccessfulTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSkippedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfErrorTests" : 0,
        "wasAborted" : false,
        "crashed" : false,
        "testCalculationsGroups" : [ ]
      "symbolicResults" : {
        "overallResult" : "SKIPPED",
        "numberOfTests" : 0,
        "numberOfFailedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSuccessfulTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSkippedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfErrorTests" : 0,
        "crashed" : false,
        "testCalculationsGroup" : [ ]
    "Maple" : {
      "translation" : "x",
      "translationInformation" : {
        "subEquations" : [ "x" ],
        "freeVariables" : [ "x" ]
      "numericResults" : {
        "overallResult" : "SKIPPED",
        "numberOfTests" : 0,
        "numberOfFailedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSuccessfulTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSkippedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfErrorTests" : 0,
        "wasAborted" : false,
        "crashed" : false,
        "testCalculationsGroups" : [ ]
      "symbolicResults" : {
        "overallResult" : "SKIPPED",
        "numberOfTests" : 0,
        "numberOfFailedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSuccessfulTests" : 0,
        "numberOfSkippedTests" : 0,
        "numberOfErrorTests" : 0,
        "crashed" : false,
        "testCalculationsGroup" : [ ]
  "positions" : [ {
    "section" : 2,
    "sentence" : 0,
    "word" : 21
  }, {
    "section" : 3,
    "sentence" : 2,
    "word" : 14
  }, {
    "section" : 10,
    "sentence" : 1,
    "word" : 20
  }, {
    "section" : 16,
    "sentence" : 14,
    "word" : 31
  }, {
    "section" : 31,
    "sentence" : 2,
    "word" : 22
  }, {
    "section" : 37,
    "sentence" : 6,
    "word" : 22
  } ],
  "includes" : [ ],
  "isPartOf" : [ "\\frac{x^2}{a^2}+\\frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1", "(x,y) = (a\\cos(t),b\\sin(t)) \\quad \\text{for} \\quad 0\\leq t\\leq 2\\pi", "(x,y)", "\\sqrt{(x - c)^2 + y^2 }", "\\sqrt{(x + c)^2 + y^2}", "(x,\\, y)", "\\sqrt{(x - c)^2 + y^2} + \\sqrt{(x + c)^2 + y^2} = 2a\\", "\\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \\frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1", "y = \\pm\\frac{b}{a}\\sqrt{a^2 - x^2} = \\pm \\sqrt{\\left(a^2 - x^2\\right)\\left(1 - e^2\\right)}", "\\tfrac{x^2}{a^2} + \\tfrac{y^2}{b^2} = 1", "(x_1,\\, y_1)", "\\frac{x_1}{a^2}x + \\frac{y_1}{b^2}y = 1", "\\vec x = \\begin{pmatrix}x_1 \\\\ y_1\\end{pmatrix} + s\\begin{pmatrix}  \\;\\!    -y_1 a^2 \\\\  \\;\\ \\ \\  x_1 b^2\\end{pmatrix}", "\\vec{x} = \\begin{pmatrix}x_1 \\\\ y_1\\end{pmatrix} + s\\begin{pmatrix}u \\\\ v\\end{pmatrix}", "\\frac{\\left(x_1 + su\\right)^2}{a^2} + \\frac{\\left(y_1 + sv\\right)^2}{b^2} = 1\\ \\quad\\Longrightarrow\\quad  2s\\left(\\frac{x_1u}{a^2} + \\frac{y_1v}{b^2}\\right) + s^2\\left(\\frac{u^2}{a^2} + \\frac{v^2}{b^2}\\right) = 0\\", "\\frac{x_1}{a^2}u + \\frac{y_1}{b^2}v = 0", "\\begin{pmatrix}\\frac{x_1}{a^2} & \\frac{y_1}{b^2}\\end{pmatrix}", "\\frac{x_1}{a^2}x + \\tfrac{y_1}{b^2}y = k", "\\frac{x_ 1}{a^2}u + \\frac{y_1}{b^2}v \\ne 0", "\\begin{pmatrix} -y_1a^2 & x_1b^2 \\end{pmatrix}", "(x_1, y_1)", "\\frac{x_1u}{a^2} + \\tfrac{y_1v}{b^2} = 0", "\\left(x_\\circ,\\, y_\\circ\\right)", "\\frac{\\left(x - x_\\circ\\right)^2}{a^2} + \\frac{\\left(y - y_\\circ\\right)^2}{b^2} = 1 \\", "\\begin{align}  A &=   a^2 \\sin^2\\theta + b^2 \\cos^2\\theta \\\\  B &=  2\\left(b^2 - a^2\\right) \\sin\\theta \\cos\\theta \\\\  C &=   a^2 \\cos^2\\theta + b^2 \\sin^2\\theta \\\\  D &= -2A x_\\circ   -  B y_\\circ \\\\  E &= - B x_\\circ   - 2C y_\\circ \\\\  F &=   A x_\\circ^2 +  B x_\\circ y_\\circ + C y_\\circ^2 - a^2 b^2.\\end{align}", "\\begin{align}  x &=  \\left(X - x_\\circ\\right) \\cos\\theta + \\left(Y - y_\\circ\\right) \\sin\\theta \\\\  y &= -\\left(X - x_\\circ\\right) \\sin\\theta + \\left(Y - y_\\circ\\right) \\cos\\theta.\\end{align}", "\\begin{align}  a, b    &= \\frac{-\\sqrt{2 \\Big(A E^2 + C D^2 - B D E + (B^2 - 4 A C) F\\Big)\\left((A + C) \\pm \\sqrt{(A - C)^2 + B^2}\\right)}}{B^2 - 4 A C} \\\\  x_\\circ  &= \\frac{2CD - BE}{B^2 - 4AC} \\\\[3pt]  y_\\circ  &= \\frac{2AE - BD}{B^2 - 4AC} \\\\[3pt]    \\theta &= \\begin{cases}                \\arctan\\left(\\frac{1}{B}\\left(C - A - \\sqrt{(A - C)^2 + B^2}\\right)\\right)                         & \\text{for } B \\ne 0 \\\\                       0 & \\text{for } B = 0,\\ A < C \\\\                90^\\circ & \\text{for } B = 0,\\ A > C \\\\              \\end{cases}\\end{align}", "\\tfrac{x^2}{a^2}+\\tfrac{y^2}{b^2} = 1", "(x,\\, y) = (a \\cos t,\\, b \\sin t),\\ 0 \\le t < 2\\pi\\", "(x(t),y(t))", "\\begin{align}  x(u) &= a\\frac{1 - u^2}{u^2 + 1} \\\\  y(u) &= \\frac{2bu}{u^2 + 1}\\end{align}\\;,\\quad -\\infty < u < \\infty\\;", "\\lim_{u \\to \\pm \\infty} (x(u),\\, y(u)) = (-a,\\, 0)\\;", "\\vec x(t) = (a \\cos t,\\, b \\sin t)^\\mathsf{T}", "\\vec x'(t) = (-a\\sin t,\\, b\\cos t)^\\mathsf{T} \\quad \\rightarrow \\quad m = -\\frac{b}{a}\\cot t\\quad \\rightarrow \\quad \\cot t = -\\frac{ma}{b}", "x^2 + y^2 = 1", "\\vec x \\mapsto \\vec f\\!_0 + A\\vec x", "\\vec x = \\vec p(t) = \\vec f\\!_0 + \\vec f\\!_1 \\cos t + \\vec f\\!_2 \\sin t \\", "\\det(\\vec x\\!-\\!\\vec f\\!_0,\\vec f\\!_2)^2+\\det(\\vec f\\!_1,\\vec x\\!-\\!\\vec f\\!_0)^2-\\det(\\vec f\\!_1,\\vec f\\!_2)^2=0", "\\left|PF_1\\right|^2 = (x - c)^2 + y^2,\\ \\left|Pl_1\\right|^2 = \\left(x - \\tfrac{a^2}{c}\\right)^2", "y^2 = b^2 - \\tfrac{b^2}{a^2}x^2", "x = -\\tfrac{f}{e}", "P = (x,\\, y)", "(x - f)^2 + y^2 = e^2\\left(x + \\frac{f}{e}\\right)^2 = (ex + f)^2", "x^2\\left(e^2 - 1\\right) + 2xf(1 + e) - y^2 = 0", "x^2\\left(e^2 - 1\\right) + 2px - y^2 = 0", "\\frac{(x - a)^2}{a^2} + \\frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1\\", "\\left(x - f_1\\right)^2 + \\left(y - f_2\\right)^2 = e^2 \\frac{\\left(ux + vy + w\\right)^2}{u^2 + v^2}\\", "\\vec x = \\vec p(t) = \\vec f\\!_0 +\\vec f\\!_1 \\cos t + \\vec f\\!_2 \\sin t", "\\tfrac{x^2}{a^2}+\\tfrac{y^2}{b^2}=1", "x^2+y^2=a^2+b^2", "\\left(x - x_\\circ\\right)^2 + \\left(y - y_\\circ\\right)^2 = r^2", "\\left(x_1, y_1\\right),\\; \\left(x_2,\\,y_2\\right),\\; \\left(x_3,\\, y_3\\right)", "x_\\circ,y_\\circ,r", "P_i = \\left(x_i,\\, y_i\\right),\\ i = 1,\\, 2,\\, 3,\\, 4,", "y = m_1x + d_1,\\ y = m_2x + d_2,\\ m_1 \\ne m_2", "\\frac{(x_4 - x_1)(x_4 - x_2) + (y_4 - y_1)(y_4 - y_2)}              {(y_4 - y_1)(x_4 - x_2) - (y_4 - y_2)(x_4 - x_1)} =         \\frac{(x_3 - x_1)(x_3 - x_2) + (y_3 - y_1)(y_3 - y_2)}              {(y_3 - y_1)(x_3 - x_2) - (y_3 - y_2)(x_3 - x_1)}", "P_i = \\left(x_i,\\, y_i\\right)", "\\frac{({\\color{red}x} - x_1)({\\color{red}x} - x_2) + ({\\color{red}y} - y_1)({\\color{red}y} - y_2)}       {({\\color{red}y} - y_1)({\\color{red}x} - x_2) - ({\\color{red}y} - y_2)({\\color{red}x} - x_1)} =  \\frac{(x_3 - x_1)(x_3 - x_2) + (y_3 - y_1)(y_3 - y_2)}       {(y_3 - y_1)(x_3 - x_2) - (y_3 - y_2)(x_3 - x_1)}", "\\frac{(x - 2)x + y(y - 1)}{yx - (y - 1)(x - 2)} = 0", "(x - 1)^2 + \\left(y - \\tfrac{1}{2}\\right)^2 = \\tfrac{5}{4}\\", "\\vec x = (x,\\, y)", "\\frac{\\left({\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_1\\right) \\cdot \\left({\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_2\\right)}       {\\det\\left({\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_1,{\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_2\\right)} =  \\frac{\\left(\\vec x_3 - \\vec x_1\\right) \\cdot \\left(\\vec x_3 - \\vec x_2\\right)}       {\\det\\left(\\vec x_3 - \\vec x_1, \\vec x_3 - \\vec x_2\\right)}", "\\begin{bmatrix}     1 & \\frac{y_1 - y_2}{x_1 - x_2} \\\\     \\frac{x_1 - x_3}{y_1 - y_3} & 1   \\end{bmatrix}  \\begin{bmatrix} x_\\circ \\\\ y_\\circ \\end{bmatrix}  =   \\begin{bmatrix}    \\frac{x_1^2 - x_2^2 + y_1^2 - y_2^2}{2(x_1 - x_2)} \\\\     \\frac{y_1^2 - y_3^2 + x_1^2 - x_3^2}{2(y_1 - y_3)}   \\end{bmatrix}", "r = \\sqrt{\\left(x_1 - x_\\circ\\right)^2 + \\left(y_1 - y_\\circ\\right)^2}    = \\sqrt{\\left(x_2 - x_\\circ\\right)^2 + \\left(y_2 - y_\\circ\\right)^2}    = \\sqrt{\\left(x_3 - x_\\circ\\right)^2 + \\left(y_3 - y_\\circ\\right)^2}", "\\tfrac{\\left(x - x_\\circ\\right)^2}{a^2} +  \\tfrac{\\left(y - y_\\circ\\right)^2}{b^2} = 1", "\\left(x - x_\\circ\\right)^2 + {\\color{blue}q}\\, \\left(y - y_\\circ\\right)^2 = a^2", "x_\\circ,\\, y_\\circ,\\, a", "P_i = \\left(x_i,\\, y_i\\right),\\ i = 1,\\, 2,\\, 3,\\, 4", "(x - x_\\circ)^2 + {\\color{blue}q}\\, (y - y_\\circ)^2 = a^2", "\\frac{(x_4 - x_1)(x_4 - x_2) + {\\color{blue}q}\\;(y_4 - y_1)(y_4 - y_2)}              {(y_4 - y_1)(x_4 - x_2) - (y_4 - y_2)(x_4 - x_1)} =         \\frac{(x_3 - x_1)(x_3 - x_2) + {\\color{blue}q}\\;(y_3 - y_1)(y_3 - y_2)}              {(y_3 - y_1)(x_3 - x_2) - (y_3 - y_2)(x_3 - x_1)}\\", "\\frac{({\\color{red}x} - x_1)({\\color{red}x} - x_2) + {\\color{blue}q}\\;({\\color{red}y} - y_1)({\\color{red}y} - y_2)}             {({\\color{red}y} - y_1)({\\color{red}x} - x_2) - ({\\color{red}y} - y_2)({\\color{red}x} - x_1)} =        \\frac{(x_3 - x_1)(x_3 - x_2) + {\\color{blue}q}\\;(y_3 - y_1)(y_3 - y_2)}             {(y_3 - y_1)(x_3 - x_2) - (y_3 - y_2)(x_3 - x_1)}\\", "\\frac{(x - 2)x + 4y(y - 1)}{yx - (y - 1)(x - 2)} = 0", "\\frac{(x - 1)^2}{2} + \\frac{\\left(y - \\frac{1}{2}\\right)^2}{\\frac{1}{2}} = 1", "\\frac{\\left({\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_1\\right)*\\left({\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_2\\right)}         {\\det\\left({\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_1,{\\color{red}\\vec x} - \\vec x_2\\right)}  = \\frac{\\left(\\vec x_3 - \\vec x_1\\right)*\\left(\\vec x_3 - \\vec x_2\\right)}         {\\det\\left(\\vec x_3 - \\vec x_1, \\vec x_3 - \\vec x_2\\right)}", "\\vec u*\\vec v = u_x v_x + {\\color{blue}q}\\,u_y v_y", "P_1 = \\left(x_1,\\, y_1\\right)", "\\tfrac{x_1x}{a^2} + \\tfrac{y_1y}{b^2} = 1", "P_1 = \\left(x_1,\\, y_1\\right) \\neq (0,\\, 0)", "\\tfrac{x_1 x}{a^2} + \\tfrac{y_1 y}{b^2} = 1", "x = c,\\ c \\ne 0", "x = \\tfrac{a^2}{c}", "x = -\\tfrac{a^2}{c}", "\\frac{x^2}{a^2}+\\frac{y^2}{b^2}= 1", "y(x)= b \\sqrt{1 - x^2/a^2}", "x\\in[-a,a]", "y(x)", "y=b\\sqrt{1-\\frac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}}", "x_{1}", "x_{2}", "s = -b\\int_{\\arccos \\frac{x_{1}}{a}}^{\\arccos \\frac{x_{2}}{a}} \\sqrt{1-\\left(1-\\frac{a^{2}}{b^{2}}\\right)\\sin^{2}z} \\, dz", "s = -b\\left[E\\left(z \\;\\Biggl|\\; 1 - \\frac{a^{2}}{b^{2}}\\right)\\right]^{\\arccos \\frac{x_{2}}{a}}_{\\arccos \\frac{x_{1}}{a}}", "x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1", "\\kappa = \\frac{1}{a^2 b^2}\\left(\\frac{x^2}{a^4}+\\frac{y^2}{b^4}\\right)^{-\\frac{3}{2}}\\", "\\rho = a^2 b^2 \\left(\\frac{x^{2}}{a^4} + \\frac{y^{2}}{b^4}\\right)^\\frac{3}{2} = \\frac{1}{a^4 b^4} \\sqrt{\\left(a^4 y^{2} + b^4 x^{2}\\right)^3} \\" ],
  "definiens" : [ {
    "definition" : "point",
    "score" : 0.8492284901969867
  }, {
    "definition" : "axis",
    "score" : 0.8270168837748708
  }, {
    "definition" : "ellipse",
    "score" : 0.7636335456059761
  }, {
    "definition" : "major axis",
    "score" : 0.7446942054639337
  }, {
    "definition" : "arbitrary point",
    "score" : 0.7286107151019116
  }, {
    "definition" : "variable name",
    "score" : 0.722
  }, {
    "definition" : "center of the ellipse",
    "score" : 0.6933675213432506
  }, {
    "definition" : "other focus",
    "score" : 0.6642828772721064
  }, {
    "definition" : "distance to the focus",
    "score" : 0.654881387763378
  }, {
    "definition" : "focus",
    "score" : 0.6400131251473725
  }, {
    "definition" : "origin",
    "score" : 0.6309131945060948
  }, {
    "definition" : "standard form of an ellipse",
    "score" : 0.6138425364356574
  }, {
    "definition" : "vertex",
    "score" : 0.5665853566762897
  }, {
    "definition" : "Cartesian coordinate",
    "score" : 0.5178630952380953
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation",
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  }, {
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  }, {
    "definition" : "line",
    "score" : 0.4881178494698719
  }, {
    "definition" : "radical by suitable squaring",
    "score" : 0.4817717148619029
  }, {
    "definition" : "angle",
    "score" : 0.46559065486962187
  }, {
    "definition" : "center",
    "score" : 0.4535749111199618
  }, {
    "definition" : "circle",
    "score" : 0.44747769468345144
  }, {
    "definition" : "implicit representation",
    "score" : 0.41938610180441616
  }, {
    "definition" : "ellipse with equation",
    "score" : 0.416081828732198
  }, {
    "definition" : "left vertex",
    "score" : 0.416081828732198
  }, {
    "definition" : "point of the ellipse",
    "score" : 0.416081828732198
  }, {
    "definition" : "yield",
    "score" : 0.416081828732198
  }, {
    "definition" : "parameter",
    "score" : 0.41376245805838535
  }, {
    "definition" : "form",
    "score" : 0.4102932168228461
  }, {
    "definition" : "dot product",
    "score" : 0.41028617116313854
  }, {
    "definition" : "example",
    "score" : 0.4099846122956876
  }, {
    "definition" : "tangent",
    "score" : 0.4099846122956876
  }, {
    "definition" : "parametric representation",
    "score" : 0.4093780232262872
  }, {
    "definition" : "diagram",
    "score" : 0.3979019488338834
  }, {
    "definition" : "formula",
    "score" : 0.3900889367559851
  }, {
    "definition" : "vector",
    "score" : 0.3900889367559851
  }, {
    "definition" : "non-colinear point",
    "score" : 0.37895849884074223
  }, {
    "definition" : "directrix",
    "score" : 0.3741947907869462
  }, {
    "definition" : "tangent at a point",
    "score" : 0.3686354939788199
  }, {
    "definition" : "substitution",
    "score" : 0.36339904588852123
  }, {
    "definition" : "distance from a point",
    "score" : 0.3580449390627001
  }, {
    "definition" : "circumference",
    "score" : 0.35226860797327836
  }, {
    "definition" : "canonical ellipse equation",
    "score" : 0.3461137652395534
  }, {
    "definition" : "axis as major axis",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "conversion",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "coordinate",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "directrice",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "limit",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "perpendicular vector",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "three-point form",
    "score" : 0.3459583333333333
  }, {
    "definition" : "consequence",
    "score" : 0.34194560311135547
  }, {
    "definition" : "parameter name",
    "score" : 0.3365876854210352
  }, {
    "definition" : "coordinate equation",
    "score" : 0.33655684382460543
  }, {
    "definition" : "vector parametric equation of the tangent",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246049
  }, {
    "definition" : "affine transformation of the coordinate",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "angle from the positive horizontal axis",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "arc length",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "canonical equation",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "canonical form parameter",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "case",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "center of the circle",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "circle with equation",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "derivative of the standard representation",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "ellipse 's major axis",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation of a standard ellipse",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation of an ellipse",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation of the tangent",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "expression",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "general equation 's coefficient",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "general form coefficient by the equation",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "integral",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "interval",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "minor axis",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "pair of point",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "parametric representation of the standard ellipse",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "point on an ellipse",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "point on the upper half",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "radius of curvature",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "rational parametric equation of an ellipse",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "regular matrix",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "rotation angle",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "semi-major axis",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "semi-minor axis",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "standard parametric equation",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "tangent vector at point",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "three-point equation",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "top half of the ellipse",
    "score" : 0.3365568438246048
  }, {
    "definition" : "conjugate diameter",
    "score" : 0.334360850455939
  }, {
    "definition" : "order",
    "score" : 0.334360850455939
  }, {
    "definition" : "right focus",
    "score" : 0.3313550481952362
  }, {
    "definition" : "line with equation",
    "score" : 0.32356510555751405
  }, {
    "definition" : "quotient",
    "score" : 0.3124346676422712
  }, {
    "definition" : "principle",
    "score" : 0.3100223848633611
  }, {
    "definition" : "affine image of the unit circle",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "affine transformation of the Euclidean plane",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "area of the ellipse",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "canonical ellipse",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "column vector of the matrix",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "concentric circle",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "curvature",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "curve",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "diameter",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "eccentricity",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "ellipse equation",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "endpoint",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "endpoint of the ellipse 's major axis",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation for the ellipse",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation of any line",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "generation of point",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "inscribed angle theorem for circle",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "intersection point of orthogonal tangent",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "major/minor semi axis",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "parametric equation for a general ellipse",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "perimeter",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "real number",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "relation",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "rhombus with vertex",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "simple way",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "standard ellipse",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "statement",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "suitable coordinate system by an equation",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "tangent direction",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "tangent line",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "term of the angle measurement",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "trigonometric function",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "unit circle",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "upper bound on the circumference",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "upper half of an ellipse",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "vector equation",
    "score" : 0.30986695295714095
  }, {
    "definition" : "family of ellipsis",
    "score" : 0.28147674721802
  }, {
    "definition" : "standard form",
    "score" : 0.2700638542225641
  }, {
    "definition" : "arbitrary vector",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "arc length of a portion",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "astronomy",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "fact",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "function of the angle",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "General ellipse If the focus",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "geometric meaning",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "inverse function",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "metric property",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "new parameter",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "pair",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "proof for the pair",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "Such ellipsis",
    "score" : 0.2700330126261338
  }, {
    "definition" : "affine transformation",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "angle by a degree",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "circle case",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "coordinate axis",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "definition of an ellipse",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "determinant",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "equation for the circle",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "following measurement",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "origin with width",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "pair of pole",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "pencil at the vertex",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "sense of the measurement",
    "score" : 0.22277583286676592
  }, {
    "definition" : "area of a circle",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "Cramer 's rule",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "de La",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "incomplete elliptic integral",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "line 's equation into the ellipse equation",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "section",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "slope",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "trigonometric formula",
    "score" : 0.17405357142857142
  }, {
    "definition" : "function of the usual angle measure",
    "score" : 0.12886575891478275
  }, {
    "definition" : "height",
    "score" : 0.12886575891478275
  }, {
    "definition" : "measure",
    "score" : 0.12886575891478275
  }, {
    "definition" : "radian",
    "score" : 0.12886575891478275
  }, {
    "definition" : "second integral",
    "score" : 0.12886575891478275
  }, {
    "definition" : "Drawing ellipsis",
    "score" : 0.09051764081496191
  }, {
    "definition" : "q-analog angle measure",
    "score" : 0.09051764081496191
  }, {
    "definition" : "radius",
    "score" : 0.09051764081496191
  } ]

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